Anti-wrinkle treatments

Botulinum Toxin can help reduce crows feet and frown lines.


Botulinum toxin (often referred to as ‘Botox’) is a highly effective anti-wrinkle and anti-aging skin care treatment that softens fine lines and wrinkles. It aids long-term prevention and is an appropriate face wrinkle treatment for all ages.

It is the #1 cosmetic procedure in the world today and considered to be one of the best anti-aging treatments, but like any cosmetic procedure it still needs to be administered with professional care and skill. Whether you’re concerned about wrinkles around your eyes or on your forehead, Dr Ashley will ensure your treatment is safe and effective. Looking after you in her home-based cosmetic clinic in Wellington you can be assured you are getting high quality products administered by a qualified medical professional.

This anti-wrinkle treatment is a non-surgical procedure that involves a small amount of Botulinum Toxin being injected into selected facial muscles using a very fine needle. Most commonly, Botulinum Toxin treatments are done for glabella frown lines (the vertical lines that appear between your eyebrows when you frown) – sometimes called a ‘brow lift’. Each treatment takes about 10 minutes. Discomfort is typically minimal and brief, and no anaesthetic is usually required. The injection may sting for a few seconds but normal activities can be resumed soon after.

Your results will be noticeable in three to 14 days and the benefits usually last around three months. For even greater overall results think about complimenting your anti-wrinkle treatment with one of our dermal filler treatments or collagen induction therapy. To discuss your treatment package, contact us for discreet and exclusive cosmetic medicine advice.

Some commonly asked questions are answered below. Click on a question to reveal more information.

Botulinum toxin (often referred to as ‘botox’) is effective in the softening of fine lines and wrinkles. It aids long-term prevention and is appropriate for all ages.

It is the #1 cosmetic procedure in the world today, but like any cosmetic procedure it still needs to be administered with professional care and skill.

It is a non-surgical treatment that involves a small amount of Botulinum Toxin being injected into selected facial muscles using a very fine needle. Most commonly, Botulinum Toxin treatments are done for glabella frown lines (the vertical lines that appear between your eyebrows when you frown). A treatment takes about 10 minutes. Discomfort is typically minimal and brief, and no anaesthetic is usually required. The injection may sting for a few seconds but normal activities can be resumed soon after.

Your results will be noticeable in three to 14 days and the benefits usually last up to three months.

Botulinum toxin is effective in the softening of fine lines and wrinkles. It aids long-term prevention and is appropriate for all ages.

It is the #1 cosmetic procedure in the world today, but like any cosmetic procedure it still needs to be administered with professional care and skill.

It is a non-surgical treatment that involves a small amount of Botulinum Toxin being injected into selected facial muscles using a very fine needle. Most commonly, Botulinum Toxin treatments are done for glabella frown lines (the vertical lines that appear between your eyebrows when you frown). A treatment takes about 10 minutes. Discomfort is typically minimal and brief, and no anaesthetic is usually required. The injection may sting for a few seconds but normal activities can be resumed soon after.

Your results will be noticeable in three to 14 days and the benefits usually last around three months.

There can be side effects but these are usually temporary and localised to the area of injection. Examples include soreness or mild bruising (which can easily be covered with makeup) or a headache. Less commonly, some people may develop a heavy eyelid. This may last 1-4 weeks and is normally treatable with eye-drops.

There have been no permanent side effects of Botulinum Toxin reported. Botulinum Toxin should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding or for patients with a neuromuscular disease.


Botulinum Toxin is a prescription-only medicine and as such is only available from a doctor. It should be injected only under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner.


BOTOX® is an unfunded Prescription Medicine for aesthetic procedures so you will need to pay for the medicine and any other charges. BOTOX® containing 50,100 or 200 units of clostridium botulinum Type A toxin complex for injection. It is used for the aesthetic treatment of frown lines, crow’s feet and horizontal forehead lines. It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Cautions: people with defective neuro-muscular transmission disorders, presence of infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eye lids, lack of feeling & nausea. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure or if you have concerns or side effects. If any side effects are experienced, contact your Healthcare Professional. Always follow the instructions you are given. For more information, please refer to the BOTOX® Consumer Medicine Information on the MEDSAFE website Note: BOTOX® treatment lasts about three-four months and after this time further courses of treatment may be necessary. BOTOX® and its design are trademarks of Allergan, Inc., an AbbVie company.


XEOMIN® is an unfunded Prescription Medicine for aesthetic procedures so you will need to pay for the medicine and any other charges. XEOMIN® (Incobotulinumtoxin A) 50, 100 Units Indications: In adults, for the aesthetic treatment of upper facial lines: glabellar frown lines, lateral periorbital lines (crow’s feet), horizontal forehead lines. XEOMIN® has both risks and benefits, consult your doctor if XEOMIN® is right for you. Always follow the instructions you are given. Further information on the risks and benefits of XEOMIN® can be found in the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) available from or by calling 0800 822 310. Use strictly as directed. If you have side effects, see your doctor, pharmacist or health care professional. Common side effects include Headaches; nausea; tenderness, swelling, redness, numbness or bruising of the skin; dry eye; heavy feeling of eyelid/ eyebrow/forehead; face/brow not symmetrical, dropping eyelids/eyebrows. Serious side effects are rare and include allergic reactions. XEOMIN® and Merz Aesthetics are registered trademarks of Merz Pharma GMbH & Co. KGaA.


Dysport® is an unfunded Prescription Medicine for aesthetic indications, product and treatment costs apply. Dysport® contains 300 or 500 U of botulinum toxin, distributed in NZ by Galderma Australia Pty Ltd, North Sydney, NSW, for the treatment of frown lines and crow’s feet around the eyes. Dysport® has risks and benefits. Ask your healthcare professional if Dysport® is right for you and to explain the possible side effects. Tell them if any side effects concern you. Always follow the instructions you are given. For details on precautions and side effects, see the Consumer Medicines Information at Dysport® is a registered trademark of Ipsen Pty Ltd. Galderma is a registered trademark of Galderma Holding S.A.